Now, this may seem like an oversight, but let me tell you just HOW important this is. Aside from Parebens, Talc, Propylene Glycol, Silica, Triclosan, Steareth-n, Frangrance, etc.. Most all deodorant contains aluminum compounds (Aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum zirconium tetracholorhydrex gly), which, just like parebens, can mimic estrogen, which promotes the growth of breast cancer cells. Obviously, majorly concerning!
My usual suspect.
I have tried a couple different natural “liquid rocks” and such from natural companies, and from my personal experience, NONE of them work! So, when I embarked on making my life a healthier and more pure one, I wasn’t sure how I was going to find a product that would battle any smell.. And not that I’m an overly smelly person, but let’s be real, I don’t always smell like roses!! Giving up my Secret deodorant, which is probably one of, if not THE WORST, deodorant brands you can use, was definitely a little bit of a battle. I knew that I wanted to do it and that wasn’t the problem, but I also knew that I really didn’t want to be the stinky girl in barre class.
Then, I came across a company called Primally Pure.. All of their stuff is incredibly pure and has zero chemical or any chemical like ingredients. They are a rather new company having been in business for a very short time which started with them making their products out of their home. This brand is BOOMING, and I can see why! I decided to take the plunge and order their deodorant (which also comes in a sensitive formula, however, the normal kind didn’t irritate my skin at all). It also comes in BPA free recyclable packaging which makes me happy. I gave it a try one day and the test seemed to go well, I got through the day, and still smelled like the deodorant at the end of the day. I was still wearing my Secret deodorant to the gym since I wasn’t ready to risk that situation yet. Then, one day, I just did it….
AND LET ME TELL YOU.. This is the MOST amazing deodorant EVER! It actually works better than my Secret deodorant did! If I put this on after my shower before bed, I do not smell when I wake up, and I even can go to the gym, sweat like a mad woman, come home, work on my computer, work my horses, and not take another shower until I’m ready to cook dinner (gross, I know, but such is life), and my underarms STILL smell like the deodorant (which is a light lemony smell. This is the unscented, but they do offer Lavender, Lemongrass and Tea Tree). It’s absolutely insane how WELL it works.. Even with the Secret deodorant, if I did this routine, I would smell slightly foul at the end of the day. Enough for me to be like, whew, girl! Get in that shower, it’s TIME!
Just a note that Primally Pure is not an affiliate for me, although once they get their program up and running, I would LOVE to be, because the products are literally SO incredible. I also have a couple of their other products and just ordered a couple more (and some more deodorant!) and I will do a post on JUST their company and products in the future. Truly incredible and this is my go-to deodorant from now on! I can feel better without the chemicals and I always smell fresh and clean, WINNING! Please leave a comment or let me know if you do order this product and let me know what you think!
Deoderants are so scary these says – this product seems really good! Thanks for the suggestion 🙂
I might have to try this. I haven’t found a good deodorant yet. I can be a stinky one haha.