I am a terrible example of how often to wash your makeup brushes.. It takes some time and prep and I’ve been a slacker! Considering I am switching my makeup from mainstream brands to non toxic green beauty, it was time to give these brushes a scrub! I couldn’t believe how easy this is and how WELL it works..
You need:
Olive Oil
Dish Soap (I used my Mrs. Meyer’s)
Paper Towel
Mix even parts of olive oil and dish soap on your plate and get those brushes ready!
For preparation for the drying.. roll a kitchen towel long ways and then create a “slide” using a paper towel so that the brush heads go downwards.
I was honestly BAFFLED at how well this worked.. I have cleaned my brushes before, but they NEVER got this clean. I hadn’t seen the white bristles of several of my brushes in a long time, even WITH cleaning.
Another thing to remember is to keep your brush head in a downward position. The more water that gets into the tip of the brush, the easier it is to lose hair and cause the ferrule to not be as secure.
I dipped the brush onto the plate, flattened my opposite hand and swirled the brush, rinsing it every so often, until the water ran clear. If it’s a really dirty brush, you can dip in the soap twice to really get it clean.
It was seriously magical! They look brand new again and my green beauty switch is happening!!!! So easy, so simple, non toxic.. No more excuses!
Until next time!
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