Photos by Katrina Jayne Photography.
Shirt | Jeans are StitchFix | Shoes | Hoops | Watch
Hair curled using T3 Twirl Convertible Curling Iron with Interchangeable Clip Barrel
Happy New Year!! This time of year always FLIES by.. First comes Thanksgiving, and then it’s just madness from there! Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas shopping up the wazoo, and then Christmas Eve and Day come and go, and for 5 days after, you’re just a pile of mush.. Unsure which way is up or down, front or back and you don’t have any idea what day it is.. All you know is that if you step foot near a mall (which I’ve done a couple times this week), you’ve got a death wish.
It goes by so fast, and finally we come to today… December 31, New Years Eve. We then start thinking and reflecting over the past year. Did we feel it was good, bad, uneventful? What do we want for the next year? What do we want to accomplish? Are we where we want to be.. financially, professionally, personally, etc.? I don’t really like talking about New Years Resolutions.. Considering that only 8% of people who make them are successful in achieving them, something about it just feels temporary to me. Maybe because the word resolution means to solve a problem, which makes it feel like it’s the end, when really it’s usually just the beginning.
My thought for the New Year is to set goals, in writing, short term and year long goals. Another reason that I feel like resolutions fail is that they are too broad. I want to lose weight. How much weight? How do you want to lose it? I want to eat better. How are you going to implement that? Weekly meal planning? What guidelines will you follow? What research will you do to eat better for your overall health and/or lose weight? I will tell you that fad diets sound all good, but they aren’t necessarily all that good for you in the long run! Anyway, the more specific the goal with steps to achieve, the better! Small steps vs giant leaps. I don’t feel like I have a long list figured out, but it’s definitely on my mind and I do have some short term “easy to fix” things that I want to accomplish ASAP, and then some longer term goals.
Aside from the “rules” you set forth for yourself in starting the new year, another thing that I really want to focus on for 2017 is to put thoughts into actions. I did do that a lot this year, for example, with this blog! I knew that I wanted to do this for awhile and was connected enough to my want to finally make it happen! So, in conclusion, go and DO what you want to do. This brings me to why I LOVE this Sincerely Jules t-shirt at the top of this post. Whenever I wear it, I literally have people stopping me in grocery stores, etc. to tell me how much they love my shirt. Dream. Believe. Achieve. You only have ONE life to live. You have the next 365 days to accomplish whatever you want until we revisit this idea of resolutions again, and I hope that in 365 days you have a whole new set of “wants” to accomplish because you’re that much further ahead. The jump is worth it. The risks are worth it. The vulnerability is worth it. Even if it doesn’t turn out exactly how you think it should (because let’s be real, when does that EVER happen?!), sometimes it can be better, or sometimes different, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You’ll for sure learn something along the way about your industry or about yourself, and that, my friend, is growth!
So, tell me, what are some of your goals for the next year??
Onto 2017! Cheers!!
I resolve to learn more in 2017. To read books I wouldn’t normally read, finally figure out how to crotchet, and practice stuff I’m ok at until I become pretty darn awesome at it! 🙂 Great post!!
Love it! Those are great goals!